Episode Title:Night of the Living Plush / I Love Neddy.Episode Description:Night of the Living Plush: Candy has bought too many plush animals. When her room explodes from being stuffed with too much fluff, she finally realizes that she needs to buy more. Chuckles discovers that Candy needs plush toys, and disguises himself as a piggy doll. After Candy buys him and takes him home, she immediately leaves and buys more. Meanwhile Chuckles, using his amulet, creates an army of plush animals, in an attempt to conquer Udrogoth.
I Love Neddy: Ned Frischman returns to the past attempting to conquer the world using jokes. He becomes the most beloved man in the world, and creates a sitcom called "I Love Neddy". In order to stop Ned's conquest of the planet, Dave and the gang create the world's first reality program, "Real Life Barbarians", which soon becomes more popular than "I Love Neddy". Ned comes to stop Dave and the gang with his jokes. All seems lost, when Dave grabs "Convenient Feathers", and tickles Ned back to the future.